Contact SVNLA

Get in touch With us


Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns, or would like general information about SVNLA’s events and education, please contact Becky Cybart at (517) 381-0437 or email Becky.


Jerry Somalski

Bay Landscaping
P: 989-402-9456989-402-9456

Chad Fournier

Vice President
Artisans Landscaping & Design
P: 989-662-0500

Joe Garpiel

Garpiel Group
P: 989-797-4749

Jeff Heinz

Stone Quest, Inc
P: 989-799-2281

Kip Northrup

Membership Director
Blue Thumb
P: 989-921-3474

Gregg Watt

CGIP Representative
Kluck Nursery, Inc
P: 989-781-1650

Kris Worley

MNLA Representative
Worley Landscaping, Inc
P: 989-652-9671

Audra Hynes

MNLA Representative
Dow Gardens
P: 989-631-2677

Shawn Barbeau

At-Large Director
Bay Landscaping
P: 989-893-0000

Rob Thomas

At-Large Director
Artisans Landscaping
P: 989-662-0500

Gordie Bushong

At-Large Director
Target Specialty Products
P: 989-891-6386

Ray Schwall

At-Large Director
Begick Nursery
P: 989-835-8260